Saturday, February 27, 2010

A 2Fer

So, it's two nights in a row that I'm posting here, you lucky readers (who ever you are.)

I'm starting to feel a bit better and have a little more energy. I'm also starting to REALLY like painting at home, in my little studio.

Since I'm dealing in small self-portraits (16" by 20") it's no problem to work on them here.

I've gotten another one done today. This one is from 2004, when I was an office manager, almost at the end (thank God) of my corporate career. After this job I had two more jobs that lasted a total of one year. Then, it was off with the old life and on with the new life I had waited for all my life. . . .Le Artist!

Here it is. . . hot from my little fingers.

I think the next one will be from childhood.

See ya soon!

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