Monday, August 24, 2009

The 1st Un-Day of My Senior Semester

Well, so it didn't happen. What I mean is that I was an idiot, ate almost 2/3 of a pint of the most delicious dark chocolate ice cream and then, (who woulda thunk?) couldn't sleep, so I got up at 2:30 a.m. and had a double cup (two tea bags) of Yogi bedtime tea.

Of course, I then had to go on the internet and order some art supplies I needed and foolishly look at facebook only to see all the young students I attend school with and their photos of distant lands, posh palaces and partying I left behind twenty years ago. Make me feel old? Nah!

I also took some nude (OMG!) photos of myself that I want to use in my paintings. The idea I want to explore in my paintings is the thought of the empty nest. I know that a lot of my friends that had children are experiencing this phenomena (some of them gladly and some reluctantly.)

There was a time when I deeply mourned not being able to have children of my own. This mourning period probably lasted (honestly) about ten years. I was often angry at myself during this period for not being able to move forward. Now, when I look back on this part of my life I know it was what I needed to do to process the loss and heal.

So, anyway, I digress again (and again, and again) but I am going to do a series of paintings of my torso and (how shall I say this delicately?) genital area in which I will be holding various items beginning with an empty, broken bird nest I found outside last year.

By 3:30 a.m. I was back in bed sleeping. But, too late! My stomach was a mess in the morning and I had forgotten to take my meds for my crampy 'mature' hands so the whole thing didn't happen.

I slept to 2 p.m. (all three cats were extremely happy to cuddle in bed with me) then got up and had oatmeal.

I've since retrieved my text book (of course the Prof selected one that is out of print) from the mail box and my cats are totally confused because they usually assume that when I get out of bed it's time to eat.

Right now, both Beezer and Tai-tai are hanging around the door of my studio waiting for 'the blessing' to happen.

Oh, and I did the most responsible thing I could think of and sent my professor an e mail telling her I'd be in class tomorrow (I'm sure she was chomping at the bit for that one.)


  1. it is sooo hard to get started after the summer! for me too...
    when you do your senior show will you post that these are nudes of you? you'll have the most attended senior show and no one will look you in the eye after ;)

  2. I think they're all going to figure it out. I wasn't intending on putting my face on the nudes, as a matter of fact, I'm not sure how I'm going to handle that. More will be 'revealed.' I may even reject the idea and go on with something else. It's all part of the process.
