Tuesday, August 18, 2009

To Do, To Do, To Do, dooby-dooby doo (Thanks Frank)

Today is Tuesday, August 18, 2009 and it's post-dinner time. My favorite little fur-boy, Beezer is snoozing next to me in his own personal chair. Actually, it's not his chair it's just a spare chair from the dining room that's now upholstered in his salmon-colored fur. So, I guess it's his chair (in his little cat mind) and that's good enough for me. Remember, cats don't live with us we live with them!

Things I actually got done today from my To Do list:
1. Got to the Art School office today and talked to the 'credit guru', Billie (she is truly the credit guru and a really sweet person too.) Happily, I found that I was correct in thinking that I could drop that one 2-credit environmentalism course (and the $50.00 worth of books I ordered) and go back to 14 credits.
2. Went to Seidlin Hall and made sure my last name was spelled properly (for the last three years it's been DiPaglia and it should be Di Paglia.) I wanted to make sure that it shows up on my diploma the way it is meant to be. And yes, I know, it's only a matter of a space between the 'i' and the 'P' but it's my name so don't mess it up.
3. Trecked over to Alumni Hall and the Financial Aid office to sign off paper work so I can get my student loan reimbursement and have a bit of money for a while like an almost normal human being of my age and type.
4. Bought cheap bells to make silicone molds from to later be cast in metal.
5. Ordered the book I need from Amazon because it's cheaper than the college book store.
6. Got a low-tech, will never run out of power, date book to keep track of my commitments and appointments.

Things I didn't get done:
- Stake my claim to studio space with my own personal role of masking tape and a marker. I guess I wimped out on this when I saw that none of the studio spaces were set up yet, but, I'm going to revisit tomorrow and stake my claim. File this one under the sub-heading; "It's better to ask forgiveness than permission".

WOW, based on this posting one might get the idea that I'm a reasonable intelligent, together woman. As I sit and read this whole list I am mildly shocked that just an hour ago I was bemoaning the fact that I can't seem to remember anything anymore. I guess I'm not doing too badly. . . . keep the food and water coming, I'm not ready to be put out to pasture yet!


  1. This is WONDERFUL! I am so excited that you have decided to Blog. You & your experience have SO much to offer other people. It may saound a little sappy, but you make me proud to be your friend and hopeful for my own future at the ripe age of 54!

  2. Ah yes, the to do list. I was so overwhelmed today by the freshman onslaught (sp?) that I am bemoaning the fact I didn't even get to make one, much less cross off items-so good for you!
