Saturday, October 17, 2009

11:55 p.m. Saturday night Party!

O.K., so I'm lying.

I just got home from the foundry where I made a shit-load of little wax (I mean little, as in two inches long and under) positives which I'll mess with further and make into jewelry castings ostensibly to sell because I need money.

Well, we all need money but I'm especially in need . . . or maybe I just think I am.

And, there it is, I think too much!

I had a painting crit on Friday night that was disappointing. My professor just hated that I mostly covered over my 1973 high school portrait. I thought it was kind of neat myself and a statement about how we don't really know ourselves in high school.

He also didn't like my current self-portrait with the 3-D glasses which I also felt was cool. I think he didn't like the fact that I had covered up my eyes. He actually asked me if I was covering up bad painting (underneath). I put the 3-D glasses on the portrait because I had just gotten through a rough patch (thanks to a Doc who prescribed meds that almost sent me off the edge of sanity) and I wanted the portrait to reflect the spacey time I had just been through. Here is it, in all it's glory (or is that gory?)

I have to remind myself of what I always tell the other students; "It's only his opinion."

And, we all know about opinions, don't we?

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