Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hump Day

The classic Wednesday euphemism. . . . I need to get over this day, for sure.

I don't know what to say about this day. I guess I'm not having a 'good attitude' day.

My hands hurt (tendonitis, trigger fingers, pains in the wrist) oh, and I forgot about the constant grinding neck and stomach pain.

I have an appointment with my local Doc tomorrow morning, so I can ask him what he considers good patient care. I guess I should get it to bed soon.

I did get to the studio today and painted for a few hours, then stopped off at the foundry (thankfully, there was someone there to help me lift a plaster mold out of the big barrel of water) to fill wax in my sprew and runner mold for metal casting.

For those who are wondering (if anyone is actually reading this blog) there is a whole process for making the wax mold, with cup and runners which allows the molten metal to be poured into the (eventually when I get it made) ceramic mold.

OMG, I having one of those nights when I feel completely overwhelmed by my slowly disintegrating body!

I apologize for sounding so frustrated and ragged out. It's probably only because that's how I'm feeling.

Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day.

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