Saturday, September 5, 2009

Work in Progress

No, I'm not talking about me (although it is true that I can use more work, since God isn't through with me yet.)

So, I got to the studio today and worked on the drawing/painting some more. But, it's still not done. Here it is in the present state:

OMG! This was supposed to be a twelve-hour drawing. I think I've spent at least three times that amount on it. I am a fanatical, detail-obsessed individual.

After spending about four hours in the studio, I went to the foundry and made some wax bells to be cast in metal.

BTW, I got invited to a party tonight (another student's boy friend's birthday) but didn't go because I just couldn't bear the thought of being at a party (where I knew there would be pot) and having a bust happen. Wouldn't that just be embarrassing at the age of fifty-four and ten years sober? Fuhgetabowdit!

Now, I'm sitting here with my 'fat boy' Beezer (my favorite cat-I'll intro him some other night) in my studio and I'm looking at the drawing and my date book to see what's up next.

It's never boring . . .

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