Monday, September 14, 2009

Long Day's Journey Into the Library

My day started as most usually do, with getting out of bed. The first time I did this was 9 a.m. when my cell phone alarm went off. Then, I promptly turned it off (as soon as I could get to the bathroom, (since my newest strategy is to not have it charging next to the bed because I tend to turn it off and go back to sleep) and reset it for an hour later.

Mornings are usually a blur for me unless I get outside into the yard and work. Otherwise, I just feel like I'm rushing around to get out the door.

The studio day actually started at the foundry where I finally got to use a plaster mold to make a wax bowl to later be cast in bronze. But, I had forgotten to bring the cool tool I had made for me at school. It's a nice flat aluminum plate with handles that I can flatten out my waxes nicely on.

I stayed at the foundry for about two hours and then decided to drive up to the main campus. My plan was to go to the painting studio (the place where I usually want to be) and get a little work done and then head over to the library.

But, something was bugging me about this research project/presentation that I have to deliver next week.

That something was probably that I realize that I am in no way ready for it! On top of this stunning realization they are having us use the Chicago Style Manual for the papers and it's a lot more complicated that the MLA version. In fact, this style reminds me of papers I had to write back in High School (you know the early 70s?) with the end notes, foot notes, and ibid, my old friend. yuk!

So, I never got out of the library between looking up two good references and figuring out the stinkin' Chicago Style.

Here's some progress pictures from my painting studio. I'm working on three self-portraits.

There are two self-portraits in progress on the wall and the piece between them is actually a mirror reflection of the painting I'm doing across from those two.

So, I'd better organize my time tomorrow or I'm going to be cramming all sort of shit together for next weeks crits. OY!

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