Friday, September 11, 2009

Senior Brownie Benefits

It is truly good to be a Senior (senior) at Alfred University.

Today, three thoughtful fellow students, Shannon, Avery and Steve, (whose identities are being somewhat protected by the omission of their last names) decided it will be a really great gift to the senior class for them to bake and deliver brownies to all the seniors! So, they personally baked and delivered brownies to over one hundred students. The brownies were complete with the students initials on top.

Here's my own personal brownie being presented to me by the lovely and talented Ms. Shannon (last name omitted for semi-privacy)

Isn't it just lovely? When I had my name legally changed, in 1999, after my divorce, I didn't really thoroughly consider the ramifications of my initials being LSD. To me it was LASD (LuAnn Sciglimpaglia Di Paglia).

The ITS department at the college I attend assigns a three letter e mail address, followed by a number, to each student. I wonder if anybody in ITS had a chuckle when they created my e mail address. And, the winner is: LSD1@ . . .looks great on the brownie too, doesn't it?

I didn't take any pictures today of my studio space (yes, I know, BAD artist) with the two self portraits (one based on my 1973 high school graduation photo) and one based on what I look like now. I'll post more of that tomorrow.

The brownies were delivered about mid-afternoon.

What else is happening in my little student universe?

The eagle shit today (I got the rest of my student refund which won't be around for long once I start paying off my bills) and I had way too much baked macaroni and chicken for dinner, thanks to George's culinary skills.

Once again, hats off to the crew that provided the special brownie delivery.

Here are Avery, Shannon and Steve, with the brownie cart, it's bright sign and their bright, shining faces.

Just looking at the picture makes me all warm and happy inside.

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